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MAY 15 TO 19, 2022 IN MONTRÉAL

Promoting policies for health, well-being and equity



Preliminary program. Subject to change.

Session Description

The scientific programme will include a variety of session formats, including in person and hybrid/virtual:

1. Plenary
2. Sub-plenary
3. Symposium
4. Workshop
5. Research presentation (oral/poster)
6. Innovation in policy and practice presentation (oral/poster)
7. Round table discussion
8. Alternative showing/new technology
9. Alternative showing/art
10. Lunch with an author
11. Master classes

Click here to view detailed information about these session formats.

HYBRID: The hybrid programme will include virtual sessions as well as the live broadcast of selected sessions from Montréal, with options for remote audience participation and interaction. Details on the format of the virtual programme are currently under review, and will be finalized based on the abstracts received and accepted.

POSTERS: All posters will be virtual, for presentation on site and online.



Montreal, Quebec, Canada


May 15 to 19, 2022

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