MAY 15 TO 19, 2022 IN MONTREAL
Promoting policies for health, well-being and equity

Dorji Phub
Program Analyst Health Promotion Division Department of Public Health Ministry of Health, Bhutan
Mr. Dorji Phub is from the Kingdom of Bhutan, the Land of Gross National Happiness. He has rich work experience of more than 34 years in health sector at national and international level.
Currently he is the Program Analyst/Advisor for Health in All Policies for Multi-Sectoral Coordination and Community Engagement under Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Bhutan. He also worked in World Health Organisation (WHO) for five years.
His experiences range from Public Health Practitioner to Policy Development and implementation at national and grassroots level. He has guided and steered numerous public health policies, programs and projects with focus in Health in All Policies, community health and wellbeing through Whole of Government and Society Approach. Under his leadership, many policy dialogues and discussions have taken place towards mainstreaming health promotion, health impact assessment and other aspects of social determinants of health in other sectors for healthy public policies and coherence.
Mr. Dorji has received numerous national awards and recognitions for his selfless service to the nation in the capacity of team leader for emergency medical team in 2003 and risk communication for COVID-19 in 2020.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
May 15 to 19, 2022
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